Pam is Talking Joy with Steve Garnaas-Holmes, retired United Methodist pastor

 He is a retired United Methodist pastor. Steve and his wife Beth live in Maine. They have three grown sons whom they love dearly. Steve served churches for 40 years in Montana and New England. He has also lived in South Dakota, California, Washington and Minnesota. He often lead retreats on prayer, poetry and renewing our language about God. He used to write and perform with the Montana Logging & Ballet Company, a quartet that did music and comedy around the country, but it just got too funny so they quit. He writes a lot of church music.  Steve is trying to be here now.

—The Talking Joy Podcast Interview with host, Pam Rotelle Robertson

Unfolding Light is a daily reflection rooted in a contemplative, Creation-centered spirituality, often inspired by my daily walk in the woods. In poems, parables, psalms, thoughts and the odd weather report I hope to invite readers into a spirit of presence, compassion, justice and delight. Though these writings are rooted in the Christian story you’ll hear in them melodies of many traditions. Unfolding Light is for anyone who wants to be a part of God’s healing of the world. You can receive Unfolding Light by daily email—just ask

Pam first learned of Steves daily reflection about ten years ago and has been reading them is a part of her morning practice. Steve has helped her connect or re-connect with her own inner nature—especially through his writing about nature.

Dearly Beloved, Grace and Peace to you.                               

Walking in the woods this morning I was distracted; my mind wandered out of the woods, far away from them and from me. I kept having to return to the woods, return to this morning, return to myself. Then I would leave again.

The trees called out to me, the leaves gently turning fall colors, the sun reaching its long arms through them to me, to me walking there, but I didn't notice.

But they were still there, weren't they, calling to me, reaching out, surrounding me.

Most of the time I don't notice God in this world, in the people around me, in all that is. But God is still there, calling, reaching out, surrounding.

If we can't live in holiness all the time we can remember now and then. We can return. God is still there, waiting for us. Each moment is a return.

Deep Blessings,

Steve Garnaas-Holmes 

Unfolding Light

Steve’s Guiding Mantra:    Do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.  - Micah 6.8

Pam Rotelle Robertson