The Year of You (Part II)

During this podcast, Pam continues the conversation about Loving Kindness in the YEAR OF YOU. During our time together we will talk about random acts of kindness given to you by a stranger. Do you remember how good that feels?


The whole team is together today! Pam, Ariane, Jennifer, Jo-Ann, Katie, Blair (It’s her birthday!) and Lindsay. We are so glad you are here!


It gave the team joy to celebrate Blairs birthday today! How can we offer that same compassionate kindness every other day of the year to ourselves and others?

How about a little note in the lunch box for your kids?

Purchase a Wander Wild Lunch Box Here:


  1. If it feels wrong, don’t do it

  2. Say exactly what you mean

  3. Don’t be a people pleaser

  4. Trust your instincts

  5. Never speak bad about yourself

  6. Never give up on your dreams

  7. Don’t be afraid to say no

  8. Don’t be afraid to say yes

  9. Be kind to yourself

  10. Let go of what you can’t control

  11. Stay away from drama and negativity

  12. LOVE

*12 Steps Posted by: The Power of Positivity


“The world needs more kindness” ~Ariane Pfaff

  1. A moment of sharing -Talk to someone in the grocery line with strangers.

  2. Regular acts of compassion can be done with hand written notes.

  3. Compliment another person when you see them offering loving-kindness.

  4. Try NOT to tell a stranger how, “I have been there…”

    “The world needs more kindness” ~Ariane Pfaff

  5. Be mindful of where you get your NEWS. Be mindful of what energy you bring into your home. There is a time and place for what you allow into your life. 

  6. SILENCE - Many of us struggle with being alone with our thoughts. So how to we calm the monkey brain? Pam often uses a walking chant or practices the breath prayer to get to a peaceful place. We all approach silence in different ways, for some of us it can be as simple as listening to music. 

  7. LETTING GO - Pam offers her favorite prayer for letting go. The hands up, hands down to help let go of anything that she is holding onto or that was never hers to begin with. Another example is taking a stone and physically walking with in natures and then LETTING IT GO.

    *This Talking Joy conversation was inspired by “10 Simple Spiritual Activities for Self-Care, The Spiritual Fit Club 

Pam Rotelle Robertson