Carol Schoffmann offers Reiki, Healing Sound and Meditation with an intuitive guidance

YOUR INNER TRANQUILITY with Carol Schoffmann! Carol is a reiki master, certified sound healing practitioner and meditation teacher. She is joining Talking Joy host, Pam Robertson to talk about reiki, what to expect in a session, how reiki can help you, and when you might need a session. An added bonus: Listen as Carol offers a five-minute sound bath meditation on the podcast. You will feel refreshed and energized for the day ahead.


Carol’s interest in holistic health started when she was in her twenties. After she was diagnosed with a chronic illness, she started to read about alternative health practices and nutrition. Practicing what she learned on herself and changing her lifestyle made all the difference.

For over 40 years, this passion for finding alternative routes for holistic health and using her intuition has served her well. Carol believes we all have an inner wisdom that we can tap into, if we get quiet enough to listen. This what guides us intuitively toward happiness and whole health. This is the foundation of her practice.

From 1989-2009, Carol traveled to the Far East twice a year to research and import treasures for her store, Badawang Art, 37 Maple St. Summit NJ or online at Badawang Art

Art, education, alternative culture, cooking, and holistic health have been major interests for as long as she can remember. Her travel experiences sharpened her intuition and knowledge of the world.


“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken,” “No one is you, that is your power“


Carol first encountered Himalayan singing bowls in 1990 while on her first trip to Nepal. Ever since then, she has had them in her life. Over the years, Carol has played hundreds of singing bowls around the world, testing them for quality and sound, sending the ones that resonated with her back to the U.S. to sell. She kept a few for herself and taught many people how to use them. She became trained in ancient healing protocols using Himalayan singing bowls and shares this experience with the talking joy listeners.


Your Inner Tranquility, uses Reik with intuitive guidance, Sound and Vibrational Healing, Affirmations, Mantras, Crystals, and Meditation to help you unlock the power of your inner wisdom. Reiki and Vibrational Sound can realign your energy, helping to calm your body, mind, and spirit. Affirmations, Mantras, and Meditation go hand in hand with body, mind, and spirit alignment. By getting a body, mind, and spirit tune-up, you will encourage your body to heal, your mind to find clarity, and your spirit to feel happy and whole. 

  • Private In-Person Reiki with intuitive guidance

  • Private In-Person Reiki w/ Sound Healing with intuitive guidance

  • Distance Reiki

  • Reiki Training

  • Private and Group Sound Healing Meditation

  • "Listen, Align, Flow" - 7 Week Chakra Meditation Sangha ( on Zoom )

  • “Take A Break And Meditate” - Guided Meditation w/ Sound Healing (on Zoom )

  • Space Clearing for your home or office