Pam is Talking Joy with Lori Dalvi, Shamanic Practitioner

Pam is Talking Joy with Lori Dalvi, Shamanic Practitioner.


Lori combines several modalities to help people awaken their authentic selves. Lori has been initiated into the lineage of the Q'ero Shamans of Peru by the Four Winds Society’s Healing the Light Body School and continues with their advanced trainings. She also holds certifications in Spiritual Response Technique (SRT) and New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation. Lori is currently training in Atma Buti Himalayan singing bowl sound healing and incorporates this powerful modality into in-person client sessions. Other work includes study in MedicineWay crystal healing and Dying Consciously Teacher Training.

Her experiences and interests attract a range of intentions: helping people (adults and children) alleviate anxiety; working with people through major life transitions and challenges; clearing individuals, their homes, and their businesses to make space to greet their fullest potential; clearing clients in preparation for surgery and post-surgery recovery; supporting families and their children with medical issues and traumas; clearing blocks for artists and creatives to realize their higher purpose. Within group and community settings, Lori loves bringing people together for growth and healing through ceremony, ritual, and the power that is found in the simple act of gathering. —The Talking Joy Podcast Interview with host Pam Rotelle Robertson

Contact Lori at


“The world is full of magic things patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”

~ W.B. Yeats


No two energy healing sessions are identical. In the days following a healing session, a client might feel more energetic, more grounded, calmer, and more relaxed. Some find that they are very tired for a few days or more. I will provide a list of suggestions that can help ease the post-session release of remaining dense energies as well as the integration process.

  • Clearing and rebalancing your chakra system

  • Releasing painful memories

  • Releasing old thought or behavior patterns that no longer serve you

  • Navigating through a major life change

  • Empowering yourself to walk on your path and live your purpose

  • Alleviating physical pain

  • Shifting heavy ancestral energy from your family line

  • Breaking cycles of disharmony

  •  Releasing subconscious blocks

  • Resolving, harmonizing, or ending relationships

  • Restoring joy and vitality after a trauma

  • Reprogramming your body's energy to return to a state of flow, ease, and balance


The energy of Friday's New Moon is the perfect time to intentionally plant some seeds for whatever you'd like to bring into fruition. This is remote energy work. There is nowhere to be and nothing to do at any certain time during each day.

NEW MOON BEGINNINGS: 2-Day Remote Group Energy Clearing

New Moon in Libra 3:32 pm EST

The energy of the New Moon is the perfect time to plant the seeds of new beginnings. If you'd like, let me know what your focus is when you register and I'll include this intention in the clearing. We will clear any blocks, vows, and negative energy out of the way of your dreams and becoming. We will also bring in as much light, support and information as possible to raise our vibration and consciousness.

Energy healing is a holistic practice that activates the body’s subtle energy systems to remove blocks. By breaking through these energetic blocks, the body and soul’s inherent ability to heal itself is stimulated. There is an energetic root to every issue.

Working within the sacred space of my Shamanic Energy Medicine practice, and using the dowsing modality Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT), I will complete remote daily energetic clearings for the group during these two days. The daily clearing will reach each individual in the group during sleep, which I have found to be a gentler way of receiving this energy work. 

NEW MOON BEGINNINGS: 2-Day Remote Group Energy Clearing

Friday, October 16th - Sunday, September 18th at 12pm

$40 Suggested

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Pam Rotelle Robertson